
Some notes on various deployment scenarios whilst using Gitamic.


When building your application in its production environment or running it through a pipeline, you will likely need to install its dependencies, and this may include Gitamic.

When that happens, Composer will need to authenticate against the private repository in order to install Gitamic.

You probably don't want to be doing this manually in a terminal every time – and thanks to Composer, you don't have to!

How you authenticate will depend on how you deploy:

Laravel Forge has built-in support for private package repository authentication.

  • Repository URL: gitamic.composer.sh

  • Username: Your Anystack email address

  • Password: Your license key (which depends on how you purchased it)


If you're using Gitamic to push commits from a server that is also the target for automated deployments, when you push from Gitamic it might trigger a redundant deployment back to the environment that is the source of those changes.

To prevent this, in your deployment script, you will need to write a statement that exits the deployment when it detects that Gitamic initiated the commit.

[[ "$FORGE_DEPLOY_AUTHOR" == "Gitamic" ]] && echo "Commit by $FORGE_DEPLOY_AUTHOR" && exit 0

# The rest of your deployment script...

However, the specific approach you should use will depend on your unique setup.

Last updated