
There's a lot I want Gitamic to do!


  • Staging & unstaging hunks instead of whole files βœ…

  • AI-generated commit messages

  • Revert to a previous (local-only) commit

  • Stashing & unstashing

  • Managing .gitignore files

  • Improved diff summaries - show the number of changes

Next - v3

  • Remote management & tracking

  • Side-by-side diffs

  • Blame support

  • Permissions & approvals

  • GitHub integration

  • Image diffs (before & after)

  • Character diffing - richer diffs that highlight exactly which parts of a line are different

  • Syntax highlighting

  • Deletion & addition summaries (LOC)

  • Chunk discarding


  • Line-by-line staging/unstaging/discarding

  • Branching & merging

  • Rich image diffs

  • Deeper Statamic integration - e.g. show version history on an Entry edit screen

Have you got any must-have features? Start a discussion thread

Last updated